Tired of guessing at your cattle's nutritional needs? Well Fed is a precision livestock nutrition smartphone application which offers precise feeding recommendations based on your unique climate and forage conditions, helping you raise healthier cattle and boost your bottom line.

What Does it Mean to be Well Fed?
“well fed is Everyman’s Tool for Raising Quality Cattle while maximizing profit”
The goal is to make cattle nutrition simple. The small or first-time cattle rancher is tasked with meeting the nutritional needs of their cattle. Supplementation is costly. Nutrition is Vital. Education is available but time-consuming. Lack of knowledge drives people from the market, causes fear to enter the market, and often results in poor quality beef.
There is an industry problem: poor quality supplementation practices.
Well Fed is the solution. Well Fed will provide a one-stop, handheld solution for supplementation needs of beef cattle. Cow/calf producers will be able to easily determine daily supplementation needs for their cattle with a simple smartphone application.
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